Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Bill O'Reilly: Defender of the Constitution

Who knew?

First, how about a quick retrospective of some of BillO's finest moments in First Amendment advocacy:

Now, Robert Greenwald and Brave New Films have a new clip showing the now infamous (having been immortalized on Countdown Puppet Theatre) O'Reilly shoving incident. Nothing like watching a boor like O'Reilly accusing someone else of being "low class". The Greenwald clip then segues into a troubling reminder of what Fox is likely to have in store should Obama become the Democratic nominee: the madrassa smear, the bogus flag lapel pin hysteria, even accusations of being a Communist.

It's amazing that anybody actually watches Fox News (except out of morbid fascination, like the same reason people stop to look at car wrecks), but too many of our fellow citizens still buy the crap the Murdoch machine is selling. Hopefully the Ron Paul supporters can wake up a few more people to the journalistic travesty that is Fox News.

Don't forget to sign the petition expressing your support for Obama's continued refusal to appear on Fox. He's done pretty well for himself without them so far.



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