I should know better by now than to think I have seen every outrage of which Hillary is capable. In her continuing effort to try to delegitimize the nomination of Sen. Obama, Hillary today compared the unsanctioned Florida primary to the recent election in Zimbabwe, perhaps because her recent attempts to compare it to the 2000 recount debacle, failed to get enough traction with the superdelegates. But I'm sure comparing the DNC with the Mugabe regime will make them come around!!
That's it...this time I've really had it. Really. More than I had it yesterday, and the day before.
When the fundraising letter from the Hillary campaign arrived in my mail the other week (the day after Indiana/North Carolina, which is interesting given the text of the letter. But when your incompetently-run campaign is swimming in red ink, getting mailings out on time is going to be tough...), I had planned to just throw it away. It's the first time I had been contacted by the Hillary campaign during this entire primary season, which made me wonder if they were now resorting to the "low-probability" donor lists in hopes of scraping whatever cash they can out of the bottom of the small-donor barrel.
But going through my mail pile today, there was that fundraising letter...
After insulting me with her gas tax pander, making me cringe with her bellicose comments about Iran, making me want to scream by her Rovian conduct, giving me nightmares with her zombie campaign that won't end...Hillary, who can write a seven-figure check to her campaign, was asking me to send her "$50, $75, $100, $250, or whatever you can afford".
So in a fit of frustration and anger, I decided to mail this contribution to the Hillary campaign, in the postage-paid envelope she kindly provided. After all, when your campaign is $20.88 million in debt, what's a few more cents?

Will this change anything? Of course not. Hillary does not care what I think, or what anyone who doesn't support her, thinks. Her campaign is certainly not going to pay attention to my reply form once they realize there's no donation, only angry comments scrawled in red pencil. Not to mention that it's from someone in an Insignificant State.
But after the umpteenth day of listening to Hillary and her surrogates trumpet their dishonest "I've gotten more votes than anyone who has ever run for the Democratic nomination" talking point, where they don't count four caucus states on the one hand while holding "Count Our Votes" rallies in Florida...this at least helped me get some frustrations out, at least for today. Given her track record though, Hillary is likely to come up with an entirely new outrage tomorrow.
That's it...this time I've really had it. Really. More than I had it yesterday, and the day before.
When the fundraising letter from the Hillary campaign arrived in my mail the other week (the day after Indiana/North Carolina, which is interesting given the text of the letter. But when your incompetently-run campaign is swimming in red ink, getting mailings out on time is going to be tough...), I had planned to just throw it away. It's the first time I had been contacted by the Hillary campaign during this entire primary season, which made me wonder if they were now resorting to the "low-probability" donor lists in hopes of scraping whatever cash they can out of the bottom of the small-donor barrel.
But going through my mail pile today, there was that fundraising letter...
After insulting me with her gas tax pander, making me cringe with her bellicose comments about Iran, making me want to scream by her Rovian conduct, giving me nightmares with her zombie campaign that won't end...Hillary, who can write a seven-figure check to her campaign, was asking me to send her "$50, $75, $100, $250, or whatever you can afford".
So in a fit of frustration and anger, I decided to mail this contribution to the Hillary campaign, in the postage-paid envelope she kindly provided. After all, when your campaign is $20.88 million in debt, what's a few more cents?
Will this change anything? Of course not. Hillary does not care what I think, or what anyone who doesn't support her, thinks. Her campaign is certainly not going to pay attention to my reply form once they realize there's no donation, only angry comments scrawled in red pencil. Not to mention that it's from someone in an Insignificant State.
But after the umpteenth day of listening to Hillary and her surrogates trumpet their dishonest "I've gotten more votes than anyone who has ever run for the Democratic nomination" talking point, where they don't count four caucus states on the one hand while holding "Count Our Votes" rallies in Florida...this at least helped me get some frustrations out, at least for today. Given her track record though, Hillary is likely to come up with an entirely new outrage tomorrow.