Cross-posted at Daily Kos:
This hour's viewer question for the Cafferty File is:6 p.m.: Why won't Congress impeach President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney?
Write in and tell him what you think!
Late update: Jack's gone home for the day, but you can still read the article and post a comment about this subject on his blog. Add your voice to the flood of comments already there, to let Jack know this is a story that matters to people. Who knows, maybe he will even convince The Beard to talk more about it.
The question was prompted by this weekend's editorial in the Washington Post, in which George McGovern calls for the impeachment of both Bush and Cheney.
Is it possible that the impeachment movement is finally gaining the notice of the corporate-owned media? Recall that Congressman Robert Wexler had a heck of a time getting anyone to publish his editorial on impeachment, just a few short weeks ago. Is it possible that 182,687 (as of right now--sign if you haven't done so already; he is trying for a quarter-million signatures before Congress reconvenes) people signing Wexler's petition calling for impeachment hearings, made the COM sit up and take notice?
Ouch. Cafferty on right now, reading some of the scathing responses. Keep it up everybody! Impeachment has to be a people-powered movement, since the beltway establishment obviously doesn't want to touch it. The Clinton impeachment had most of its support inside the beltway, that's a big part of why it failed. The Nixon impeachment proceedings drove him from power because the people got behind it. Now if only our Democratic leadership in Congress could be made to comprehend that simple but important distinction.
Update 2: Still one of the best arguments in favor of impeachment that I have personally seen, with the most compelling case being made by conservative legal scholar Bruce Fein. He appeared along with The Nation's John Nichols on Bill Moyers Journal last summer.
8 bullet points for impeachment and counting. I love it. And I believe Bruce Fein's conservative credentials are intact taking this out of the partisan sniper fire. Congratulations BeaBea on the blog!
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